Montana LTAP Webinars

1/6 Optional Road Scholar Credits are offered as an optional benefit to those who attend or view the webinar in its entirety. To qualify for these credits, participants are required to remain engaged for the full 30 minutes. We request that the attendance sheet be sent to via email to receive the credits. 

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Montana LTAP Upcoming Live Webinar 

Join us February 25, 2025 @ 7:30 am for our monthly webinar! 

Topic: Cold Weather Safety
When: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 @ 7:30
Webinar Link:

Montana LTAP On-Demand Webinars 2023-2013

2025 On-Demand Webinars

Protect Your Hearing | January 28, 2025
Link coming soon
Information Includes: Noise and how to protect your hearing on the job.

2024 On-Demand Webinars

Shop Safety | November 19, 2024
Link coming soon
Information Includes: Gear up for winter: Ensure your equipment and yourself are prepared for navigating cold, icy roads and dealing with ice around your shop.

Gear Up for Winter | October 15, 2024
Information Includes: Gear up for winter: Ensure your equipment and yourself are prepared for navigating cold, icy roads and dealing with ice around your shop.

Summer Hazards | June 25, 2024
Information Includes: Dangers of summer heat, flying insects, crawling creatures, and things lurking in the tall grass. Oh my!

Blood-Borne Pathogens | May 21, 2024
Information includes: The risks of exposure to blood-borne pathogens, including symptoms of viruses and how to prevent exposure.

Clearing The Right of Way and Chainsaw Safety | April 23, 2024
Information includes: Why we clear the right of way, chainsaw types and safety features, basic chainsaw safety, PPE, mower safety 

Geosynthetics for Local Roadways | February 13, 2024
Information includes: Different types of geosynthetics and their use in constructing more durable roadways and improving stability over soft soils.

2023 On-Demand Webinars

The El Nino Pattern and its Potential Impacts on the Upcoming Winter Season | October 17, 2023
Information includes: A presentation by the National Weather Service in Glasgow, MT. Where they discussed the developing El Nino pattern and its potential impacts on the upcoming winter season, along with demonstrating places to get up-to-date and detailed weather information for northeast Montana and surrounding areas. 

Unpaving Roads!?! With guest speaker Laura Fay | September 19, 2023
Information includes: Converting Severely Distressed Low Volume Paved Roads to Engineered Unpaved Roads

Mower Safety | August 15, 2023
Information includes: Rules for safe mowing

Summer Safety | June 20, 2023
Information includes: Heat Illness, Creepy Crawly Bites and Diseases, and Flooding

Fall ProtectionMay 16, 2023
Information includes: Identifying Fall Hazards, Analyzing Work Area for Fall Hazards, Hierarchy of Fall Hazard Control, OSHA Regulations for Fall Protection

Work Zone SafetyApril 18, 2023
Information includes: National Work Zone Awareness Week, Doing Our Part to Stay Safe, PPE, Surroundings, Blind Spots, Understanding Hazards

Winter Maintenance Research - Guest Speaker Laura FayFebruary 21, 2023
Information includes: Winter Maintenance Research

2022 On-Demand Webinars

Safe System Approach - Guest Speaker Jamie Sullivan | December 20, 2022
Information includes: National Center for Rural Road Safety, How we get to Zero, Safe System Approach.

CDL RegulationsGuest Speaker Tyler Niedge, CDL Program, Miles Community College | November 15, 2022
Information includes: Entry Level Driver Training…What is it and who does it effect.

Get Ready!!  Winter Prep | October 18, 2022
Information includes: Snowplow and Motor Grader winter prep and safety, winter travel, and survival tips.

Chain Saw Safety | August 16, 2022
Information includes: Chain saw safety before and after starting chain saw and head-to-toe protective equipment.

On-Line training and information resources WHAT’S AVAILABLE TO YOU | June 21, 2022
Information includes: Resources available online and where to find tailgate talks, YouTube videos, weather links, MT LTAP recorded webinars, SD gravel roads manual, other state's LTAP resources, MUTCD, and lots more.

Spring Safety | May 17, 2022
Information includes: Increase awareness of spring safety/dangers of heat illness, mosquito and tick-transmitted diseases, snakes, and floods.

Impacts of Quality Gravel Specifications | April 19, 2022
Information includes: Basics of what constitutes QUALITY/SPEC gravel, impacts on float loss, 3 keys to making chloride treatments successful, decreasing your maintenance costs and improve the level of service of your gravel roads.

What’s the Buzz?  Hearing Safety | March 15, 2022
Information includes: Intro to the ear, decibel levels, hearing loss and causes, OSHA requirements, PPE.

Electrical Safety | February 15, 2022
Information includes: Faulty outlets, wiring, extension cords.

Winter Activity Considerations | January 25, 2022
Information includes: Shop safety, outside safety, heavy equipment safety.

2021 On-Demand Webinars

Stormwater Runoff Concerns for Local Road Agencies | November 16, 2021
Information includes: Flood impact mitigation.

Defensive Driving | September 21, 2021
Information includes: Three stages of a collision, collision prevention, occupant protection, distracted driving.

Be Fire Ready | August 17, 2021
Information includes: Raising fire awareness, prevention in and around the shop.

Underground and Above Ground Storage Tank Operator Training. Class “C” Operator Training | July 20, 2021
Information includes: Emergency shut-down procedures, responding to surface spills, training

Traffic Incident Management | May 18, 2021
Information includes: Move Over/Slow Down law; interagency cooperation; providing advanced warning

Gravel Road Maintenance – Part 2 | April 20, 2021
Information includes: Maintenance and testing of gravel roads

Gravel Road Maintenance – Part 1 | March 16, 2021
Information includes: Maintenance and testing of gravel roads

Culvert Slip-Lining & InfraSteel Rehabilitation | February 16, 2021
Information includes: Trenchless culvert rehabilitation methods

SIGNING 101 | January 19, 2021
Information includes: Sign installation, maintenance, state laws.

2020 On-Demand Webinars

Work Zone Safety in the Winter | December 15, 2020
Information includes: Appropriate clothing, equipment maintenance, work zone safety and sign maintenance.

Holiday Safety Tips for the Workplace and Home | November 17, 2020
Information includes: Fatigue; Slips, Trips and Falls; Electrical Safety; Food Safety; Travel Safety

Winter Seasonal Safety and PPE | October 20, 2020
Information includes:  Appropriate PPE, carbon monoxide, hypothermia, seasonal affective disorder

Confined Space Safety | September 15, 2020
Information includes:  Hazardous atmosphere, ventilation considerations, retrieval system, rescues

Bridge Load Posting Program | August 18, 2020
Information includes: FHWA requirements, interpreting weight limit signs, process details 

Chain Saw Safety | July 21, 2020
Information includes: Chain saw components, protective equipment, safety

Overview of the Road Safety Champion Program | June 16, 2020
Information includes: Certificate program, training modules, benefits

Respirable Crystalline Silica in the Workplace | May 19, 2020
Information includes: Silica standard; exposure, health effects, workplace protections.

Tire Safety | April 21, 2020
Information includes: Tread, inflation, rotating, visual checks, explosions

LTAP Safety Meeting, What’s Lurking Around in the Spring | April 14, 2020
Information includes: Heat illness, sun exposure, mosquito and tick transmitted diseases, snakes

Working Remotely and Dealing with Stress | April 7, 2020
Information includes: Technology challenges, organization and structure, stress

Culvert Installation, Excavation, and Inspection on Low Volume Roads | March 31, 2020
Information Includes: Proper installation, Trenching, Inspection

Hygiene, Blood and Bodily Fluid Safety in the Workplace | March 24, 2020
Information includes:  Worker hygiene, precautions, workplace sanitation

First Aid Review | March 17, 2020
Information includes:  First aid, CPR, AEDs

Back Safety and Fall Prevention Basics | February 18, 2020
Information includes: Ergonomics, slips, trips, and falls

Walk Arounds, Waste Oil, and Split Rim Tire | January 21, 2020
Information includes: Internal and external inspections, uses for used oil, and split rim tires.

2019 On-Demand Webinars

Holiday Safety and Winter Hazard Review | December 17, 2019
Information includes: CO poisoning, electrical safety, and slips, trips, and falls.

Ergonomics | November 19, 2019
Information provides proper ergonomics associated with driving.  The webinar identifies common work related muscular disorders, risk factors, and ergonomic control methods for eliminating  or reducing issues from sitting for prolonged periods.

Defensive Driving | October 15,2019
Information includes: occupant protection, distracted or impaired driving, wildlife crossings, blind spots, and collision prevention.

Trenching and Excavation Safety | July 23 2019
Information includes: general excavation safety, soil types and the importance of knowing what soil you are working in, protective systems that can be used, atmospheric hazards, and other hazards workers may encounter.

Skid Steer Safety | June 12 2019
Information includes: skid steer parts, safety concerns, visibility, center of gravity, and training.

Cutting Torch & Welding Safety - Part 2 | March 2019
Information includes: varying aspects of gas welding and cutting arc welding and cutting, fire prevention, ventilation and protection, safe use, handling, and precautions to take when welding and cutting, and hazard identification and abatement methods.

Cutting Torch & Welding Safety - Part 1 | February 2019
Information includes: varying aspects of handing compressed gas cylinders, Regulator Burnout, Assembly of regulators, basic types of gases, equipment safety inspection check lists; and safety issues.   

PPE Equipment Safety | January 2019
Information includes: varying aspects of PPE:  Hand Safety, Eye Safety, Hearing Safety, Head Safety, and Winter PPE.

2018 On-Demand Webinars

Holiday Safety | December 18, 2018
Information includes: Fire Safety, Food Safety, Travel Safety, Slips and Falls, Decoration Safety, and Holiday Stress, and Don’t Crowd the Plow!

Electrical Safety | November 20, 2018
Information includes:  causes of electrical fires, general safety tips, overhead power line safety, shop safety, and how to avoid an electrical injury.

Winter Preparation| October 16, 2018
Information includes: Snowplow safety checklist, motorgrader safety check list, 3 points of contact, winter travel, hypothermia, winter clothing, and survival basics. 

Slips, Trips, Falls, and Back Safety | September 18, 2018
Information includes: Back Safety Basics: 3-Point Contact, Ingress/Egress on Equipment, Most Common Injuries, Your Back and Equipment Operators, Slips in Shops, Safety Manual, MT LTAP Videos and DVD’s on Slips, Trips, and Falls and Back Safety 

Workzone Safety Webinar | August 21, 2018
Information includes: A basic outline regarding work zone safety methods, temporary traffic controls, and short term work sites on roads and street.     

Fire Proofing your Shop | July 17, 2018

Information includes: Fire protection, fire extinguishers, fire prevention, wildfire preparedness, and program tenants and resources.   

Chain Saw Safety | June 19, 2018
Information includes: Chainsaw safety, common injuries, safety features of chainsaws, operations, PPE, how to prevent accidents, and additional safety materials.  

Weed Mowing Safety | May 22, 2018
Information includes: PPE when weed mowing or when on mobile equipment, understanding slope or incline danger, why you should pack a first aid kit and have knowledge of heat exhaustion, brush fire concerns and mowing extremely tall grass and mowing noxious weeds

Dump Truck Safety | April 17, 2018
Information includes: Dump truck safety hazards, daily truck inspections and safety measures, backing up dump trucks, and dump truck best practices.

Don't Crowed the Plow | March 20, 2018
Information includes: The dangers of crowding the snowplow, traveling around the snowplow, and what you can do to increase public awareness of snowplow safety.   

Winter Maintenance | February 12, 2018
Information includes: Anti-icing chemicals, application methods designed to reduce winter hazards on roadways, weather information, chemical technology, and application procedures to enhance roadway safety.  

Leadership | January 16, 2018
Information includes:  Ideas to consider for leadership, motivational information, and personal potential opportunities.  

2017 On-Demand Webinars

Electrical Safety | December 19, 2017
Information includes: Electricity & the human body, types of electrical burns, overhead power line safety, and how to avoid an electrical injury.  

Slips, Trips, & Falls, and Winter Walking | November 21, 2017
Information includes: Slips, trips, and falls; 3 point contact; shop safety; winter concerns and PPE, and ladder safety.

PPE | October 22, 2017
Information includes: Personal Protective Equipment for hands, eyes, ears, head, and winter solutions for cold weather.    

Trenching & Excavation Safety | September 2017
Information includes: What is a trench and at what depth do you need more protection? Why are soil testing and understanding soil classifications vital? Discussion of soil types and cohesion, protective measures of sloping and benching, and shoring and shielding as another safety procedure.

Defensive Driving | August 22, 2017
Information includes:  Safe driving techniques, drug and alcohol awareness, and responding safely to critical driving situations and conditions, including emergencies.  

Summer Safety | July 25, 2017
Information includes: Heat illness, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sun exposure, water safety, and mosquito and tick transmitted diseases.

Back Up Safety | June 27, 2017
Information includes: Varying aspects of backing up safety; rear blind zones; preventing accidents; driving back overs; major risk factors and causes; and backing up skills and policies.

Mobile Equipment and Weed Mowing Safety | May 23, 2017
Information includes: Importance of being trained, PPE when weed mowing or when on mobile equipment, Understanding slope or incline danger, Why pack a first aid kit and have knowledge of heat exhaustion, Brush fire concerns, Mowing extremely tall grass and mowing noxious weeds.

Hand & Eye Safety PPE | February 28, 2017 
Information includes: Your hands and your eyes are continually exposed to work hazards. In this monthly safety webinar, Montana LTAP staff cover Personal Protection Equipment for hands and eye safety; different types of physical trauma and chemical contact to hands and various glove choices and glove maintenance; five types of eye and face protection, including ANSI Z87 regulatory eye glasses/goggles; other training resources available.

Slips, Trips, and Falls | January 31, 2017  |
Information includes: Montana Association of Counties’ Loss Risk Specialist, Jim Muskovich, reviewed important aspects of keeping workers' backs safe in the workplace and importance of being aware of ingress/egress of equipment. MT LTAP Field Engineer Sam Gianfrancisco added valuable safety scenarios on 3-point contact also. Topics included 3-Point Contact, Common Injuries on Insurance Claims for Heavy Equipment Operators, Back Protection, Shop Safety, Slips-Trips-Falls, other training resources.

2016 On-Demand Webinars

Best Management Practices for Cattle Guards/Car Gates | December 20, 2016
Information includes: With liabilities always a concern, let's design the safest cattle guard/car gate we can, but have documentation in place specifying what your county requires for installation and cleaning.  In this webinar, Sam Gianfrancisco, MT LTAP Field Engineer, discusses with John Stokes, Pondera County Road Administrator, various cattle guard or car gate designs. Emphasis is placed on the county's liability and importance of having encroachment permits and resolutions. Following are a few county examples of both, plus a design: Pondera County Encroachment AgreementPondera Cattle Guard Additional ConsiderationsPondera Cattle Guard MeasurementsPrairie County Cattle Guard PolicyDawson County Cattle Guard Petition

Work Zone Safety for Low Volume Roads | November 15, 2016
Information includes: Do you have an MUTCD? The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices is the standard for our nation. Within the MUTCD is Chapter 5 for low volume road signage. For 30 minutes, Sam Gianfrancisco, MT LTAP Field Engineer, along with Shawna Page, High Country Safety Training, and Steve Kurk, Town of Manhattan, cover temporary traffic control, flagging issues, and importance of wearing correct retroreflective apparel to keep all safe in a work zone. Use the electronic version of the 2009 MUTCD at this site:

Hearing Safety, What's the Buzz | October 11, 2016 
Information includes: How important is your hearing? This 30-minute webinar covers aspects of the human ear and how it functions as well as how to prevent hearing loss through using PPE; controlling high noise levels in the work place; understanding loud equipment and OSHA Decibel Limits; importance of audiometric testing; and being proactive in your work place.

Winter Safety for Montana Roadways | September 20, 2016  
Information includes: With winter just around the corner, Steve Kurk, retired City of Bozeman Lead Operator, along with Sam Gianfrancisco, LTAP Consultant, cover varying aspects of how to prepare winter equipment, specifically snowplows, and prepare crew. Topics covered include: Equipment Pre-Inspection Walk-Arounds, Ingress and Egress of Equipment, Backing Safety, Abrasives: Pros and Cons, Written Snowplow Policies, and Training New Drivers

Low Volume Road Signage | April 19, 2016
Information includes: Because the majority of Montana roadways are low volume, this webinar covers the variety of signage to use on these types of roads, Chapter 5 in the MUTCD, in this webinar: What is a low-volume road, Application of signs on low volume roads, Design of Signs for low-volume roads, Placement, Types of Signs, When to use “No Traffic” signs, Traffic Control for Highway-Rail, Temporary Traffic Control Zones

Roadway Signs | March 22, 2016 
Vital for roadway travel, signage is a much requested topic. During this safety webinar, topics reviewed include from MUTCD Chapter 2: • Excessive Use of Signs • Design of Signs • Maintaining Minimum Retroreflectivity • Posts and Mountings• Size of Regulatory Signs • STOP Sign Application • Speed & Weight Limit Signs • Warning Signs • Object Marker Design and Placement Height.

Front End Loader Safety | February 16, 2016
For this webinar, safety aspects are reviewed when operating a front end loader:• Review Front End Loader Design • Pre-Start Inspection and Procedures • Safety Concerns when driving the Front End Loader • Remembering those general safety operating procedures • Stockpiling with the Front End Loader and Safety Concerns when Digging Banks • Efficient Loading Cycles • Hand Signals

Forklift Safety | January 19, 2016
Due to recent inquiries for forklift certification from local governments, this 30-minute contains a two part training session regarding forklift safety issues. Safety issues included forklift design, controls and instrumentation; forklift versus car; pre-inspection necessity; load stability and the fulcrum point; hazards concerning forklift loads; and importance of forklift training for crew members.

2015 On-Demand Webinars

Winter Maintenance | December 15, 2015
1st Half: (Slides 1-17; 30 minutes). 
2nd Half: (Slides 18-32; 13 minutes)
With recent winter storms in Montana this webinar provides practical information for maintaining snow and ice packed roads. this material outlined includes abrasives, salt and abrasive mixtures, application rates, importance of pre-wetting anti-icers to stop scatter loss, dew point issues, snow fences and their application to save mechanically snow removal costs, and snow plowing policies. Click here for one-page Snow Plowing Policies from Montana LTAP.

Public Relations | November 24, 2015
This webinar reviews communication avenues for local governments dealing with the public. Topics included Listening Skills, Communication Process, Fine Line between listening and abuse, managing expectations, snow plow policy, and problem solving. Also provided is the following template for Obstruction of Vision/Roadway Concern Notification Form again (see September 22, 2015) as a possible avenue for working with the public: Click here for template for Obstruction of Vision/Roadway Concern Notification form

Trench Safety and Gravel Pit Concerns | October 20, 2015
This morning's webinar covered safety issues with trenching and soil classifications when dealing with culvert placement and excavations such as gravel pits. Several scenarios are provided where actual stories of people who were buried by trench walls collapsed on them. Other discussions included soil types A, B, C and protective measures for workers in the trench of sloping and benching, and shoring and shielding. Click here for four OSHA handouts discussed on the webinar: 1 OSHA Poster2 OSHA fact sheets, 3 OSHA safety card, 4 OSHA booklet.

Keys to Safer Intersections & Reduced Liability | September 22, 2015
This webinar has Montana Department of Transportation's Roy Peterson and Kraig McLeod, reviewing intersection safety, appropriate signage at intersections, and liability issues involving state and local governments' road right of ways and home owners involvement. Click here for template for Obstruction of Vision/Roadway Concern Notification form.Click here for handout on Keys to Safer Intersections.

ABC's of First Aid | July 14, 2015
Various First Aid methods are examined and what is available for the following types of incidents: ABC = Airway, Breathing, Circulation; Broken Bones & Slings & Splints; Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke & Burns; Rattlesnake Bites & Tick Bites & Bee Stings; First Aid Kits & Add Ins.

Weed Mowing Safety & Mobile Operations | June 16, 2015
Information provided includes: Importance of being trained, PPE when weed mowing or when on mobile equipment, Understanding slope or incline danger, Why pack a first aid kit and have knowledge of heat exhaustion, Brush fire concerns, Mowing extremely tall grass and mowing noxious weeds.

Road Stabilization | May 19, 2015
Various aspects of building and designing gravel roads are discussed including the importance of understanding why roads deteriorate. Various methods of maintaining a road to keep it stable are presented.

Electrical Safety | April 21, 2015 
What are electrical dangers on the job: electricity can be a killer; Types of Electrical Burns; Overhead Power Line Danger; Call before you dig – Yes, all Montana Street and Road Departments must call! It’s the Law!; PPE for Electrical Hazards; Electrical cord safety; MT LTAP Resources on electrical safety; DVD on electrical safety available from MT LTAP library also.

Back Safety & Slips, Trips, & Falls | March 24, 2015 
Back safety and 3-Point Contact for Equipment Ingress/Egress are covered in this webinar. Common Back Injuries caused by equipment operation, slips in shops due to wet or greasy floors, stairs and ladder safety, putting together a safety template available from MT LTAP, along with various slips, trips, and falls safety videos and DVDs available from MT LTAP library.

Temporary Traffic Control for Low Volume Roads | January 20, 2015 
Work zone safety: what determines low volume roads in a temporary traffic work zone; understanding temporary traffic control as seen in Chapter 6 of the MUTCD; various TTC signs to be used for low volume roads in a work zone; ANSI 2 or ANSI 3 required safety vests; when are flaggers assigned to a work zone; the importance of keeping your flaggers certified and the liability issues if you don't; review of the five parts of a work zone.

2014 On-Demand Webinars

Winter Survival | December 16, 2014
Outlined are various winter survival topics including: standard safety for winter travel; carbon monoxide and hypothermia as it relates to winter stranded automobile fatalities; proper layering of winter clothing; winter survival priorities; and what's in your winter survival kit.

Winter Maintenance | December 9, 2014  
What is included in winter maintenance: sand/salt mixtures, deicing concerns, the importance of know about the dew point, having a winter maintenance policy, attributes of snow fences, and how to train snow plow drivers. MACRS President Ovila Byrd, Flathead County Road Department offered real life situations his county has dealt with when plowing roads.

Load Securement | October 2014
Doug Nisbet, Lewis & Clark County, provided information from real life experiences on the following: Overview of proper loading, positioning, and securing; Why have a properly secured load; Force of Gravity Percentages regarding weight of cargo; Different types of securement approaches; Understanding Working Load Limits of Tie-downs; Observations of damaged or weakened tie-down components.

PASER Inventories | September 2014 
The 2008 Gravel Roads Inventory from Montana County Road Departments was reviewed; what ratings mean with photo examples; review of several county's inventories and comparisons to 2013/2014; cost of improving roads better known as good roads cost less; Interactive webinar where participants rate several roads; review of importance of sending in road ratings for 2014/2015.

Truck Driving Safety | August 2014
Dave Sutton, Retired Cascade County Road Supervisor, discussed the importance of the Seven Step Vehicle Inspection/Tire Inspection; 3-point Contact and Backing Safety; Points on Controlling Speed; Managing Driving Space; Winter Issues; Distracted Driving; and Review of Air Brake Systems.

Skid Steer Safety | July 2014 
Safety considerations and operations of a skid steer are reviewed along with skid steer safety concerns such as moving parts, possible decapitation, loss of limbs, visibility and stability. The versatility of the skid steer and its many uses are also covered.

Road Millings | June 2014 
Mo Henman, Retired Yellowstone County Road Department - now Western Emulsions, covered: Brief discussion on when to pave, Basic Use of Road Millings, Importance of Preparing and Shaping Gravel Road, Dump Trucks and Uses, Steps for Laying Out Millings, Reclamite or Not Options and Review. Mitch Urdahl, Gallatin County Road Supervisor, also provided informative comments on road millings in his county.

Gravel Road Materials and Specifications | April 2014
Topics covered:  Keys to Longevity of Gravel Roads; Montana's Standard Prism Design; Gravel Road Gradation Requirements and Plasticity; Using Sieve Analysis to Understand Gravel Specifications; Process for Obtaining and Handling Good Gravel; and Calculating Gravel Volume. Jerry Otto, Hill County Road Supervisor, and Ovila Byrd, Flathead County Road Supervisor, added their comments also.

Back, Hand, & Eye Safety (PPE) | February 2014 
Topics covered: •Heavy Equipment Operators - Most Common Injuries on Insurance Claims •Back Protection and Prevention for Equipment Operators •Importance of 3-Point Contact for Ingress/Egress •Basics of Hand Safety – Use of Correct Hand Protection •Eye and Face Protection

Collaborations with Other Agencies | January 2014
Importance of Partnerships, Who Are the Partners, What Funding is Available, Discussion with Others about TSEP, other funding sources

2013 On-Demand Webinars

PASER Review | September 2013
Road Condition Inventories and how they provide valuable data for requesting funding to improve county roads or city streets

Working in the Heat | August 2013
Wild Land Fire Concerns, Heat Exhaustion, Dehydration, Heat Stroke, Water and the human body, Giardia

Snakes and Ticks | July 2013 
Identification of Ticks, Diseases Ticks Carry, Removal of Attached Tick, Disposal of Ticks, Procedures if Bitten by Rattlesnake, Sawyer Snake Bite Kit, Avoiding Snake Bites